**What is Attachment Removal Therapy?**
Attachment Removal Therapy is a unique session that combines **hypnotherapy** with **Angelic Energy Healing** to safely and effectively remove spiritual attachments or entities that may be draining your energy and impacting your life. This therapy helps clear negative influences while restoring balance and vitality.
**Signs You May Have an Attachment**
While it’s important to rule out other conditions first, there are certain signs and symptoms that suggest you may have a spiritual attachment. You don’t need to experience all of these symptoms to benefit from this therapy—even a few of them can indicate an attachment. If these resonate with you, feel free to contact me using the button below for a **free energy check** before booking a session.
**Mental, Psychological, & Emotional Symptoms**
- Sudden decline in mental health or emotional well-being
- Suicidal thoughts or urges for self-harm
- A harsh, critical inner voice
- Intense outbursts of anger, aggression, or fear
- Increased stress, anxiety, or panic attacks
- Chronic fatigue and lack of energy
- Difficulty sleeping or insomnia
- Hearing voices
- Brain fog, confusion, or inability to focus
- Frequent arguments or toxic relationship dynamics
- Low mood, depression, or emotional detachment
- Self-sabotaging behavior
- Feeling that something is "off" in your life
- Nightmares or disturbing visions
**Physical Symptoms**
- Cold spots or strange sensations in your home
- Unexplained noises or items being moved
- Pets behaving unusually, barking or growling at unseen forces
- Bad smells with no clear source
- Electronics malfunctioning, such as TVs turning on and off
- Unexplained scratches or marks on your body
- Lowered immune system, frequent illness
- Sudden, unexplained pain in the body
- Seeing orbs or unusual lights in your environment
- Heart palpitations, anxiety, or panic attacks
**Spiritual Symptoms**
- Feeling "stuck" in life or unable to move forward
- Being blocked from spiritual practices, like losing internet connections or feeling disconnected during spiritual events
- Seeing shadows or dark energies around you
- Healing methods not working, feeling blocked
- Constant interruptions to your spiritual growth
There are many other potential signs, but these are some of the most common. If you're unsure whether you have an attachment, reach out, and I’ll be happy to check your energy.
**How Do Spirits Attach to Us?**
Everything in the universe is energy—both dark and light. Spirits and entities can attach to us when there are gaps or weaknesses in our aura. They seek out low vibrational emotions such as unresolved traumas, anger, jealousy, grief, and more. Maintaining good **spiritual hygiene** is key to protecting yourself and preventing these attachments from forming.
It’s surprisingly common for people to carry attachments for years without knowing it. However, the more light you carry within yourself, the less likely it is that an attachment can remain.
**Who is at High Risk for Attachments?**
- Alcohol or drug use (including recreational use)
- Engaging in spiritual practices without proper protection
- Using Ouija boards or other spirit communication tools
- Occult practices or dark rituals
- Hospitals, graveyards, or places of suffering
- Energetically charged events like concerts, clubs, or pubs
- Those with unresolved traumas or mental health challenges
These are just a few examples, but many other situations can make someone vulnerable to spiritual attachments.